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Feb 14, 2024

In a world where time seems to slip away faster than ever, finding moments of stillness is no longer just a luxury.

A wonderful thought-provoking episode, guest Dr. Donese Worden delves into physician wellbeing with Dr. Felecia, emphasizing the critical role of self-care in avoiding burnout. They discuss the merits of naturopathic medicine, the practicality of cash-pay practices, and the importance of gender intelligence.


Dr. Worden also guides listeners through a comprehensive self-checkup based on the seven pillars of health, offering strategies for quality sleep, stress reduction, and achieving inner peace, thereby empowering female physicians to prioritize their health for a balanced and fulfilling career.

00:36 - What is Naturopathic Medicine?

04:12  - Dr. Worden's Path to Naturopathic Medicine

07:48  - Avoiding Burnout with a Cash Practice

14:42 - Building Multiple Income Streams

22:18 - Understanding Gender Differences

27:00 - Self-Checkup for Physicians

Connect with Dr. Donese!




Telephone: 480.588.2233  


Dr. Felecia's Events in March: Join Dr. Felecia for the Goddess Getaway event in Sedona in March 2024! Find out more at Goddess Getaway Sedona March 2024.

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Key Quotes:

"Make the time for yourself. Make the time to understand what is going on in those areas of your life and make those changes."  - Dr. Donese Worden


"When you say I don't have time to meditate, that's when you need more meditation." - Dr. Donese Worden